It takes being given seven days to get out to realize that I have entirely too much stuff. Four closets packed to the brim with junk. Items that I haven't used in the three years just sitting in there molding away, some things weren't even mine. I have a bag of clothes that my mom gave to me, a bunch of toys that my sister left, and countless other stuffs.
I've thrown it out, whittled it down and there is still too much. I've packed more garbage bags that I can count.
To top it all off, there is Shadow's things. He hasn't even begun to pack and if we even get this efficiency apartment, then his things won't fit. He thinks he's gonna set up a corner workshop, but there won't be any space. There is only one closet, where clothes and toys need to go. I DON'T want clutter, which is all his stuff.
I've thrown it out, whittled it down and there is still too much. I've packed more garbage bags that I can count.
To top it all off, there is Shadow's things. He hasn't even begun to pack and if we even get this efficiency apartment, then his things won't fit. He thinks he's gonna set up a corner workshop, but there won't be any space. There is only one closet, where clothes and toys need to go. I DON'T want clutter, which is all his stuff.
It's just piled haphazardly on the sofa bed, which is going in the garbage.
He can't work anymore, so why does he need scaffolding tools? Why does he need any tools at all? The average apartment dweller needs a hammer, a few screw drivers, a tape measure, and a pair of pliers, perhaps, if you're pushing it, you may be inclined to own a drill gun and a wrench. Anything after this is sheer over kill. Shadow has stuff that could be sold that could make us money that could go to someone who actually needs tools.
In either case, this place doesn't seem promising at all. The guy was 3 1/2 hours late, and we waited, then he took all day to email the application, which I just emailed back at around 10pm. We have to move everything Wednesday at 5pm. We're running out of time. I can leave some things at my sister's loft, but not much, I can give her the food, and she's willing to buy our fridge. After that, I don't know what to do, we have three choices, the shelter, my parents house (for me and the baby only) or Shadow's mom's house for all three of us, or just him. Then there is my son to worry about who lives with his father who he hates.
I don't know what to do. No one wants us in the shelter, they're dangerous. So our options are few.
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