Vampires and Dragons and Wolves, Oh My!

This, this right here is what I meant by fuckery.

I'm repeating myself here.  I'm tired, like fucking pissed off at people thinking they have the spirit, or soul, or whatever of a wolf or are really a vampire or some other such fuckery.

Stop it.

You are a homo sapien.

You want to be different, you want to be unique, you just KNOW that you're not like everyone else.

Bitch, have you been near a fucking wolf?

Those fuckers are dangerous.

Have you heard of HIV?

Yes?  And you still want to drink random mother fuckers blood?

Shadow and I do not have a spell that can turn you into "who I really am".  No spell can do that.  Whether you think you're a rabbit or you are a girl trapped in a boys body, there isn't a spell to restore you to your alleged natural state.

Yes, we are witches, yes, we do spells, and YES our spells and rituals have worked.  We have a combined experience of over 40 years practicing Magick.  We don't have secrets.  We have INTENT.  We want something, we ask for it, we meditate on it, and mostly we receive it.  We possess the confidence to manifest our desires into our life.

If you really did have the soul of some other species in you, then you would be in trouble my friends.  What would your parents have done with the kid who keeps eating raw meat loaf, catching rats, refuses to stop shitting on their lawn or worse, keeps biting their cousin's carotid artery?

Human beings have an outstanding ability to care for ourselves.  We use tools, we have hundreds of languages, and can express ourselves with the written word.

You can't fucking read if you're a wolf.

What you lack is confidence.

Plain and simple.

You need confidence to love yourself and create the life that you want.  Yes, you can be different and unique and all that shit, but you have to rock it, own it, be yourself.  The problem with people wanting to be something they're not is they're not happy with who they are.  Usually it's because someone else told them they shouldn't be.

Fuck them.

That's confidence.  The ability to walk away and be proud of who you are.  You are not here to please anyone but yourself.  Remember that.  At the same time, you need to get your head out of the clouds and be more grounded and serious.  There is a huge difference between being unique and being a fucking creepy weirdo.

Do NOT be a creepy weirdo.

You may now ask yourself, but aren't you a weirdo Spiral?

No.  And here's why:

If I were a creepy weirdo then instead of explaining how your asses need confidence and self respect, I would give out a detailed ritual spanning months on how to turn yourself into your desired creature complete with ancient Greek chant.

I am that big of a bitch to troll people like that, but as a Wiccan, I have a moral obligation to tell you like it is and help you, not fuck with you.

Do I need to go on, or do you get it?

If you're below age 26, then sadly you might not get it until your brain stops developing.  If you're over 26, than I'm sorry, but who in the Gods names hurt you?

I don't want to have to go off on you people again.  (When a New Yorker says "you people", it means everyone but themself.)  I will simply refer back to this post.

Are we cool?

Now go do your fucking homework.

Mama Spiral is out.

Blessed Be!


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