A New Cane

It was time, my old purple cane was scuffed and jiggly, the silicone coated handle peeling from everyday use, certainly not longer safe to use.  I asked my rheumatologist on Thursday for a script for a new one.

I tried to go on Amazon where I had purchased the purple one, but as with everything else coming from China, they’re not in stock and I’m not going to pay over 20 bucks for something that’s really not worth more than 10.

I went to the medical supply store, the same place where I’m going to order my new shoes from once they switch my HMO back to Horizon (Aetna is a joke).  They only had two choices.  Now, I have a preference when it comes to my canes, as I do with pretty much everything I use on a daily basis.  It must hold a minimum of 250 pounds, preferably 300, it must have a derby handle, and it must be metal and fold.  The stopper I can change and will be changing to the wider ones that luckily are in stock on Amazon.  They have to be changed frequently because I walk so much, hence why I need a heavy load baring cane.

The one I chose is all black, (I can live with all black), with a wooden derby handle, no wrist strap, plus it folds.  It’s a solid cane.  Works well.  It will work even better when I order the wide stoppers.

I didn’t have to pay a dime for it, which is awesome, cause the reality is, I shouldn’t have to pay for my medical supplies.  I literally need this thing to be able to get around my neighborhood.  The only thing is, Medicare will only cover a new cane every five years.  My purple one barely lasted two and a half.  I am a person who walks her 10K steps a day and then some. Which I shan’t be doing anymore due to the wear and tare on my joints and the severe pain I’ve been experiencing since I’ve returned from the west coast.

I’ll give this cane three years.  I’ll ease up on my walking like my doctor told me to.  I’ll order things instead of taking two buses and walking an obscene amount to get to a specific store.  I can do this.  I do have my original wooden cane that they cut for me at the hospital all those years ago… you know, when they told Shadow I might die from sepsis… 

Still makes me angry.

It’s a good solid wood cane, but the handle is atrocious.  I have Shadow’s cane as well, which I don’t want to use because I’m saving it for Ana.

I’m wondering if I should go ahead and bless and charge this cane?  Dedicate it to my walking, and serving me as an everyday magical pain relieving tool?

I should write it up.  I’m sure other witches with medical devices would like to do something similar.  I sure am happy to have this new cane regardless.  I’ll see what I can come up with.



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