Blessing Moon 2022


Tonight’s moon looked like a creepy scene from the opening of a horror film.  Despite it being a super moon, She isn’t appearing very big over the sky from my line of sight outside my bedroom window.  Obviously my iPhone can never capture Her in Her true glory. 

Today I felt drained and like I didn’t want to do anything.  For the past two weeks, I’ve been running around all day every day getting Ana to swim lessons, and then to her summer program and finally to the park so she could have free lunch.  She is tired too, and has had too many melt downs to count.  She has declared NJ too hot and she wants to move to Ireland where it’s cooler.  The poor little potato has been beet red from the heat.  I could have chalked up her behavior to the full moon, but I know for a fact it’s the hot temperatures affecting her.

I attended tonight’s ritual from Saged, always healing, always just what I need.  We did some meditation and journaling:

And Morgan taught us a bit about the astrology of this cycle, which will always be way over my head to be honest.  I tried studying when I was a teen and several times as an adult and I just could never wrap my head around the houses and the rising and what not.  It’s cool but definitely not my forte.

As always, I did my tarot spread.  My back was and is still hurting, I did something weird to it when I bent to scoop the kitty poop.  I couldn’t bend down to get my large Thoth deck, so used my pocket sized at my desk:

After wards, I had my bath.  I dumped my last packet of Epsom salts in and tried to sit in a comfortable way.  The highest massage setting on the top shower head came in handy and I think managed to loosen up some of the pain.  I wasn’t very long in my bath, but it did the job of cleaning, cleansing and releasing.

It was then Ana’s story time:

This was such a cute book, but sad.  There are two others in the series so I’m going to see if the library has those as well.  I only picked out books with moon in the title.  I know, I’m such a witch.

As far as I’m concerned my night is done, I’m not making moon water, I’m not even charging my necklace, though I probably should.  I’m tired, I need rest.  It’s time for me to read my own trashy murder mysteries and breathe.

Blessed Be!



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