New Moon in Virgo 2022


How does one perform ritual on the new moon when they’re visiting a Christian household?

Well, I don’t, but technically, I do.

I don’t bring a travel altar to Shadow’s mother’s house, but I do bring my journal and tarot cards.  Thankfully she is ok with tarot cards, she’s a teen of the 70’s, so tarot was very in vogue (or should I say rad) back then.  She also told me that she used to have a deck!  Who knew?  Shadow certainly never told me!

I also have the Saged app on my phone, so I get to vicariously live through everyone else’s new moon posts.  I did make my usual tarot spread post and pulled a card from The Moon Deck in honor of the current phase.

This card is called “Rest”, so I took its advice and relaxed.  The Moon Deck is awesome like that.

Everything else I may want to do can easily be written down in my journal.  In fact Saged even had some prompts yesterday.  That part worked out great.  Who doesn’t love a good journaling prompt?  I love opening up my Traveler’s Notebook, uncapping my fountain pen and letting the words flow.  It’s cathartic.

I still got to take a quick ritual shower, with my favorite products, no one needs to know that I’m taking a moment to meditate and ground under a stream of water!

Anointing can be done too.  This year, because I flew, I took a solid massage bar from Lush, it is scented with lavender and neroli and those are excellent oils for relaxation.  

You seeing a theme here dear reader?

Relax, take it easy, modify, adapt, overcome, whatever you gotta do, whatever you can do, don’t sweat it.  It’s your intent that matters!

Blessed Be!



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