Samhain 2022


Ana’s lovely painting in the background and her pumpkin.

I am thoroughly exhausted and trick or treating is still raging outside.  This is a rich bitch neighborhood so people drive their kids here to get the goods.

My day started out like every day, I pulled a card for the folks on Saged and made a few posts for the Sabbat while drinking my coffee.  I also did my own reading using The Sacred Cycles Oracle which I am going to break out only for Sabbats.

It truly is a beautiful deck!

After that, I made my way to the Halloween parade at Ana’s school which is across town.  My usual bus didn’t show so I had to get off the NYC bus and walk up the hill through Union City.  It’s not too bad but 10 minutes when I could have walked less than 5 can hurt for someone like me.  I then had to stand for the kids walk and singing.  When they were done I decided that since it was such a lovely day, that I would walk to Lidl and then home.

I picked up cacao chips and flour so I could make soul cakes. I used a different recipe from last year and they taste pretty good.  They were a bit underdone, but other wise ok.

While Ana was trick or treating with friends (no more walking for me, thank you very much!), I set up a table outside to read tarot for passers by.  I got a lot of high schoolers.  Interestingly one of Ana’s friend’s father’s who I know for a fact in Jewish, practically dragged his daughter’s away so they wouldn’t stop.  I didn’t even get a chance to say hi to Ana’s friend and give her a pack of the Pokémon cards I was handing out.  Oh well.  What do you expect sir?  This is a diverse neighborhood!

From my two hours out there, I met a ton of worried kids.  One girl was worried about her mom who has cancer, understandable.  My heart goes out to that girl.  So many asked about school and what they would do when they graduated.  These poor kids are stressed!  They were mostly younger than Dino and they had the weight of the world on their shoulders.

It started to drizzle around 7:30, so I put my things away and trekked it all up stairs, it was also time to pick Ana up from her friend’s house.  She made out pretty good.  The McBoo bucket is nothing but chocolate.  Actual decent chocolate too.

It is now sitting it the fridge because there isn’t nothing I hate more than room temperature chocolate.

We didn’t have a feast today and in fact I didn’t cook at all because we had our feast yesterday when Dino was here.  He can’t miss out on all the fun!  Besides, he only gets his mama’s cooking for three days out of the week!  I made pork chops, garlic roasted potatoes, garlic string beans and mushrooms.  Everything was so good!  I must say however, than I won’t be buying these extra thick pork chops again.  They’re just too thick, so I’ll buy the bone in next time.

I had a quick wash up, my legs hurt and now I get to relax, unwind and read a bit.  I might have to do some major releasing tomorrow and definitely cleanse the deck I used.

Blessed Be!



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