New Year’s Eve 2022


I finished this planner this afternoon.  I shan’t be buying it for 2023.  It turns out, there are better more luxurious and more pricey planners out there that give much more bang for your buck.  Seriously, if I’m gonna use something everyday for an entire year, I need a bit more than what Biddy gave me.  I didn’t even take a picture of the year in review spread because it felt so lack-luster, and I was too excited about my new deck that came in the mail today.

I had the Deviant Moon Tarot a long time ago, but as with much of my stuff it got destroyed in that stupid basement.  So, I decided to replace it finally, but I got the borderless edition instead and I am just so thrilled with it.  It’s dark, it’s chaotic, it’s a bit carny folk meets debauched French Renaissance priest.  I love it.  

Here is the “My Wheel of ‘23” spread from @lionharts.  I haven’t done one of their challenges in a while, so I looked them up again (can I complain for one second about how much of a bitch seeing something on Instagram is if you don’t have an account?!) and saw this spread and decided to do it:

Look how glorious those cards look!  I should have photographed them away from the line on my drop leaf table, but who cares.  They’re lovely!

Another spread I did we learned from the Witching Hour class on Tuesday.  The presenter gave us a ten card spread and I decided to use The Sacred Cycles Oracle deck.  Not only because they smell divine, but because I figured the ending and beginning of a new year is a cycle and needs an appropriate deck:

As you can see, this one was taken away from the drop leaf edge.  Also the main theme for my year ahead is “Orgasm”.  So I guess I’m gonna have an ecstatic year?  This deck is the definition of divine feminine.  I also pulled the “Cervix” card, so that’s nice.

Tomorrow I’ll be doing another year ahead spread with The Moon Deck.  That’s a whole different type of energy, calm, centered, grounded, dare I say dry desert heat?

I suppose I shall recap my hobby counts.  I read a total of 297 books this year.  Now, don’t get too excited, most of them were children’s books read to Ana.  I read 54 “adult” books to myself and yes I am counting the planner because I wrote in every single page of it!

On to knitting and crochet.  I hand made 37 items this year, technically more, but I’m counting the Barbie clothes I knit as one project since they’re tiny.  I definitely spent more time reading this year than knitting.  It’s only because Netflix had such few good shows this year.  Can we get a reality show of Joe Exotic in prison please?

As for writing, well, I would have liked to write more than I did on here.  I wrote in my journal and I also wrote random things on my typewriter including a song I wrote in five minutes about Jeffrey Dahmer and a poem about someone in the neighborhood who is most certainly certifiably schizophrenic.  They shall be amongst my papers.

That’s such an old eccentric British thing to say.


Time to count the dimes.  Yes, the dimes that I find on the street and usually at the laundromat.  They are reminders from Shadow that everything will be ok.  I tend to find them when I’m a bit harried, the laundromat can be a stressful environment filled with idiots who use far too much soap and hog all the carts!


That’s the total number of dimes we found on the streets this year.  I don’t know what happened to that dark one, it’s seen some shit.  The dimes reside in my wish dish which Shadow gifted to me.  There are also three other coins which live in the dish full time, a British Pound, a coin from El Salvador and a coin from Columbia.  I don’t even know where they came from.  The rainbow moonstone Shadow purchased that final time we went to the gem show.  The ripped dollar we found walking home from the pool so I added it to the money bowl.

After the dimes get counted they go into my normal change jar, which gets exchanged once a year when filled.  Tomorrow we will start again.

That’s all.  It’s 50 minutes till midnight, and I suppose I shall start a new book.  I was an idiot and drank a Pepsi with dinner, far too much sugar than I like despite my mason jar filled with ice, plus there are like 6 different stereos blasting music outside, so I doubt I could fall asleep even if I tried.

Happy New Year and Blessed Be!



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