Blue Moon


The Moon rose as I awaited Her rays.

It’s been a while… months.  I didn’t drop off the face of the planet, I just needed a break.  Thus here I am, almost done with my summer retreat in the foothills of the Sierra-Nevada mountains.  Also known as: visiting grandma.

All month long I have been resting and relaxing and sitting outside amongst the trees observing scenes such as these:

I took this today, just as the Full Moon Ceremony concluded.  I heard leaves crunching and a deer stopped to look at me and I it.  My friend Will and I both agree that I was visited by Diana.  It leaves a lovely feeling in one’s soul.

Today was yet another day to relax in anticipation of the Blue Moon.  This morning, I did two tarot spreads and this evening I did my journaling.  I regret not bringing a travel candle, but something tells me those aren’t allowed on planes.

The top spread is one that Dameon (on Saged) posts every full moon.  The bottom is one I found online specially for the Blue Moon.  I pulled three tens, yes I know summer is coming to an end…

Now here is something I actually did yesterday that I should have done today:

I found a lovely recipe for chewy chocolate cookies that happen to be vegan and gluten free, and if you use a specific sugar they can be Keto as well.  First of all, they’re easy as hell to make, second, they taste delicious and third, they happen to be perfect for both Full Moons and New.  I rolled mine in shredded coconut and for the New Moon, you could leave them plain or roll them in mini chocolate chips.  Really, the possibilities are endless.

Thus concludes my evening.  It is also my injection day, which is always nice to have a top off of Cosentyx, I shall read, administer my medication and go to sleep.

Blessed Be! 🌝


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