First Sleeve Done


It certainly took long enough, but this whole sweater is taking too damn long in my opinion.  I could blame Covid since I’m used to watching TV while I’m knitting and there aren’t that many good shows to catch up on so there is nothing to knit to.

But, the first sleeve is done and out of the way and that’s all that matters.  I managed to begin the second sleeve today as well and actually got passed the ribbing, decreases and am working on the increases now.  The sleeves are straight forward.  After that it’s the bitch of picking up the neck and bands and doing button holes.  

I’m telling you I’m not looking forward to putting these sleeves in.  It’s so much easier when the sides aren’t together, unlike this piece.  I will still get it done of course, but I’m allowed to complain along the way.  I won’t be able to wear it until late October or mid November (the last two Halloween’s I’ve been sweating in my orange sweater, this year I’m getting a t-shirt!). 

There is still the matter of which buttons to use.

I would love to go to my favorite button store in Manhattan, but... it’s a war zone so, no.

I could look online, but I hate ordering without free shipping because it’s literally cheaper for me to take the bus into the city, but you know, they’re stomping and stabbing and shooting over there.

I’ll figure it out when I’m actually done, maybe Michael’s has something.  I can’t keep letting my hobby become so complicated!



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