In the Presence of Diana


Everyday, several times a day, a mama and her baby deer visit the house so they can eat the grass and drink water from the bird feeder.  The creek on the property is completely dried up.  Baby doesn’t look too skinny but they do take very long drinks when they’re up here.

As Ana took her afternoon swim, mama and baby came by again and this time didn’t run away when Ana moved slowly to the gate so she could watch them more closely.  These poor deer are so hungry and thirsty.  At first I watched mama eye the pool, they probably think they could drink that water but they can’t get in due to the gate that encircles it.

It certainly is bizarre being the one in the cage.

This area also has coyotes, who apparently will attack small dogs and eat them.  I haven’t seen or heard any.  This drought is probably keeping larger animals away if they can survive at all.  I’m not a biologist so I really don’t know.

My friend Will always talks about being in the presence of Diana, so every time I see the deer I think of him and his beloved matron Goddess.

This is such a treat being so close to nature.



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