Finished: Rise and Fall Tarot Challenge


Ah, the early morning sun spilling across the page...

This was a more straight forward month with the option of a daily three card spread which I didn't use.  I did do the Full Moon spread they put out which was also only three cards.

I did the best I could with decorating, as I was in California at the beginning of the month and away from my usual journaling supplies.  The entire time I only used my Thoth deck.  Still trying to decipher its depths but as they say about Thoth, that's a life long pursuit.

The monthly tarot challenges aren't the only tarot journaling activities I do.  I also finished the month out in my Biddy Tarot Planner.  This was the first month I ever got mostly wands, that explains why my ankle is killing me.  All that action and go go go.  I hope October is less busy now that our schedule is back on track.  I guess I'll see tomorrow when I begin the first day of the month!

The veil is thinning and all that jazz.  I found a dime today after Ana gave me a hard time at the park.  I know Ben is telling me it will be ok.  

Tomorrow I go to the podiatrist for the first time in my life.  I hope my ankle is ok.  Last time the rheumatologist took x-rays about 4 years ago now, they thought I had broken it at some point due to the damage from the arthritis.  I assured them I had never broken a bone.  But now I am worried that what if something is cracked?  Guess the only thing I can do is pray that it's not.  Maybe I'll just need special shoes.  I don't know what I'd do if something more serious is wrong with it.  I have to walk everywhere, I have no choice.  I live on the third floor, which means all those stairs to contend with as well.

Hopefully I'm fine.

Anyway, it will be fun to start the new tarot challenge tomorrow.



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