A Scarf for Dino


I actually started this and finished it today but I didn’t take a picture cause it was too dark.  This is some yarn I got at Lidl that was 30 percent off.  It’s two strands held together one grey, the other dark turquoise.

It’s so squishy!

I made it about 9 inches wide and 95 inches long.  Crocheting is a gazillion times faster than knitting and although it hurts my hands to do so, it’s the fastest way to get a finished object on my kids so they’re not cold.

Now, is Dino actually going to wear this?

I don’t know man.  At this point, this kid does what he wants, fuck the cold.  If I hadn’t have been anemic back then I would have been like that too.  Anyway, I sure hope he wears it to keep his neck and face warm and at least let it hang untied down as a fashion piece.  I kinda wish I had used wilder colors for that.

I’m still slowly but surely working on his sweater too.  But it’s a shit ton of stitches and it’s on size 7 needles.  So, it’s a lot.  I’ll get through it, I always do.

In a few days I have to make three more dumpling cats for my niece, sister and her friend’s birthdays coming up.  I’m happy they’re so quick to make.  I was wondering if I should perhaps try double stranding one to see how big it comes out.  I did that years ago with a bunny and it came out the size of a pillow. 

Such fun!

I have so many things to make and so little time!



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