Cold Moon 2022


This is how we do Zoom rituals via Saged.  Before it begins, I brew tea (tonight’s was Sleepytime), light incense, light a candle, turn on the two electric salt lamps, place any crystals I may want (I put on my prayer beads) and open our journals to a clean page.  Tonight I also placed the card I pulled from The Moon Deck which I received Saturday as a gift to myself.  I was given an Amazon gift card from a psoriasis study.  I’ve been wanting this deck for so long, it’s stunning and I know it’s cliche, but it brings me a sense of calm.

Tonight’s ritual was lead by a woman who channels the ascended masters.  I experienced chills through out.  It was grounding, uplifting and hopeful.

Ana, having the typical attention span of a six year old, did not sit through the whole thing, though sometimes she does.  It’s amazing how calm children can be when you keep your home at that level of zen.

The full moon isn’t visible tonight, but that’s ok.  I won’t be charging crystals tonight, but as usual I did my tarot spread from my planner and used the large Thoth.  

I love how big and bold this deck is.  I also love how I got the Queen of Cups since tonight the full moon is in Cancer and she is so very watery.  The question for that position was actually about creating sacred space in my home.  Makes me wish I had a swimming pool, or at the very least one of those tiny table top water features.

After ritual, I took a quick shower since I had a long bath with a patchouli scented bath bomb last night.  (My whole apartment still reeks of patchouli!).  Full moons are all about releasing so it’s important to bathe and release back into the water.  You cleanse yourself physically and spiritually this way.

Now I am cozy under my covers.  At peace, relaxed.  Heating pad on my achy knees.  Blue tansy oil massaged onto my face.  This is what magick is.

Blessed Be!



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