Cold Moon 2024


My altar, because we can’t see Lady Luna.

It’s been cloudy all day and at around 4:30pm this afternoon the mist and fog rolled eerily onto the Hudson River, I should have gotten a photo of that, but I was too busy watching it in real life, as one my age does.  Thus, I have no photo of the Full Moon over Manhattan, nor of the fog.

I spent the day knitting and sipping an iced coffee, after opening the bathroom window to let in some fresh air.  As I often explain on Saged, open windows are vital even in the dead of winter.  Fresh air moves stagnant energy and dust, cleansing and cleaning what you breathe.

I did go out for a short walk to the pharmacy for my refills of Cosentyx, but other than that, I didn’t want to go anywhere or do anything on account of the ache in my joints.

We did have ceremony today, so that was nice.  The Cold Moon is also The Wolf Moon, so the meditation focused on wolves.  Not my cup of tea.  Afterwards we did some journaling prompts, which I’m not showing a picture of tonight.  Then I did the following tarot spread.  It seems like even the cards know I need to reorganize, declutter and sort through all of Ana’s toys:

And that’s that.  Short, sweet and simple.  I should hang up my necklace on the window to charge (yes, despite the clouds) but I’m lazy, so it might not get done either, and that’s ok.

Blessed Be!



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