Hello 2024


Love that new calendar smell!

I spent most of the day setting up my two new planners.  The Moon Wisdom one is strictly for daily tarot pulls and spiritual endeavors, I’m not penciling in my dentist appointments in that one.  The orange one goes into my Traveler’s Notebook.  That one took the longest to set up because I needed to add moon phases, birthdates, the 8 Sabbats and a few other details for the entire year.

After that, I got to work on cleaning, cleansing and re-warding our apartment door.  Over the summer, they repainted the hallway and doors, unfortunately they used a matte paint.  It’s awful and very difficult to clean.  I did the best I could with my usual sage scented all purpose spray from Trader Joe’s.  Then, I sprayed it inside and out with Florida water.

For the outside of the door, as seen above, I anointed it with a banishing oil and hung up a piece of rose quartz.  For the inside of the door, I sprayed it with a Blue Moon ritual water, cause I have it and I never use it, no particular magickal reason.  Now, here is what I did differently this year.  Usually, I draw a six inch or so sigil with window crayon right under the peel hole.  We ran out of those crayons so I printed a new sigil with my little thermal printer:

This sigil is from Sigil Engine it’s the easiest way ever to make sigils and now I can easily print them and stick them wherever the hell I want!  This one reads “our apartment is protected and filled with love”.  Easy peasy.  The dudes who made the website posted it on Reddit a few years ago, and I’m forever recommending it on Saged.


My final activity of the day was a 13 card spread with The Moon Deck.  Aarona Leá (author of the deck) posted this spread on the website:

Mine is a bit off compared to their diagram, January starts with Transform for me, which is the card that has a butterfly on the bottom.  Overall, a lovely spread because I never pull more than four cards at a time with this deck and it’s absolutely one of my favorites!

Now, I am all set up for 2024, planning wise anyway.  Really, as a disabled person I just do the same old, same old, and rarely deviate from my routine.  Simple and quiet is how I like it these days!

Happy New Year Witches!



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