Finished Semi-Precious Shawl


Drying on the shower curtain rod.

Finally done with this thing and I wound up playing yarn chicken at the end and won.  I cast off while watching the last episode of season 5 of Outlander.  Boy was that a trip!

I washed it with a tiny sprinkling of my new homemade laundry soap.  It smells of wet wool, I guess I should have added a drop of lavender but I can spray some on tomorrow to protect it from potential bugs anyway.

I really love how it came out, it’s just a shame I no longer own blocking boards and pins.  This shawl should have points at the cast off edge and I can’t get them to shape up without pins.  Drying it over the shower curtain rod is the only option I have where it will dry and be away from the cat.  Strawberry has yet to eat any of my knitting but one never knows with their feline friends.

I’ve already cast on my next project which is a baby blanket for my friend who is having her third, a girl due in October.  I hope to get a blanket, bonnet, newborn sweater and 6 month sweater done before then, as well as a pumpkin hat so Penelope (so cute!) will have a little something soft to wear for Halloween.

Ambitious but I have nothing but time!



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