Preparing for Lammas

Once again it’s almost Sabbat time!  I am refreshing my Lammas knowledge with the next book in Llewellyn’s Sabbat series.  They’re all a great read. 

I’ve straightened up the apartment and moved some crystals around in preparation for ritual.  One of my corners was completely lacking in crystals so I moved my orgonite pyramid, Sphinx and crystal owl to that spot.  There is also a small amethyst cluster on the shelf as well.

I burned some sage and a stick of my favorite Japanese incense called Moss Garden while I was cleaning.  I really don’t know why I bother with other brands now.  Shoyeido’s incense is spectacular in every way.

This week I stocked the pantry with good nutritious food as well, quinoa, chickpea pasta, beans, red and green lentils and a lone can of anchovies to make a broccoli and garlic pasta dish I haven’t made in ages because when the hell do I ever purchase anchovies?

Of course bread is the main event on Lammas so I will make my vegan soda bread.  It’s quick, delicious and I figured out how to bake it in the air fryer so I don’t have to turn on my oven when it’s so hot.  Lammas bread doesn’t really work in our overly hot global warming modern climate, but tradition is tradition.  The rest of the meal will be whatever the heck I have on hand that will go well with the bread which is of course soup, but I could also make chickpea stew.

Decisions, decisions.

As for the ritual, I haven’t decided which one I shall do.  But I may perform a small money spell.  The first summer harvest is also about prosperity and I could use a little extra right now.  I’m returning those shoes tomorrow but I will need to put that cash to repairing my other Birks for winter.

Lammas seems to also be the time when I must prepare to batten down the hatches so to speak.  To think about what I will need for the coming months and the cold that will inevitably come.  For example, I purchased a new roll of duck tape so I can tape up the drafty windows when need be.

I may not have a garden to harvest, or an English cottage to tend to and winterize, but that doesn’t mean I can’t live by the seasons.  I think it’s more important now more than ever to set one’s life according to the Wheel.  Not only does it give purpose, but drive and of course meaning.

I hope to finish the book tonight.  I read most of it this afternoon at the park.

Reading time!




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