The Butcher, The Baker, The Candlestick Maker


I come to you this evening with yet another strange dream about Shadow.  We were in our old neighborhood on Bloomfield Ave, and he was insisting that he was well enough to start working again.  

In the dream we were in this tiny store front with a red awning that doesn’t exist in real life and it was a butcher shop.  Shadow insisted that he could be a butcher and so he asked about applying for the job.  He explained that it would be no problem for him to stand and cut meat all day because he was still strong but butchering didn’t require nearly as much strength as a scaffold erector.

And that was basically it.  I don’t recall if I knew that I was dreaming, but whenever I do dream about him, in the back of my mind I always have this sense that “dude, you’re dead, you shouldn’t be here!”  Sometimes I feel as if he acknowledges this and other times, I feel like he’s just being his usual self and won’t let me get a word in edgewise.

The one thing you should know dear reader, is that while sometimes I talk to Shadow out loud or even in my head,  I have not attempted the usual forms of spirit communication with him.  Part of me is afraid, I know I will cry.  But the other half knows that he will fuck with me unmercifully.  Like, he’ll probably tell me to make him a “3 coffee coffee” (that’s three heaping teaspoons of Nescafé in 8oz of water) if I used the Ouija board.  Most people are afraid of Zozo, I’m afraid that my late husband is going to tease me from the astral.

So, about the spread above, it’s the usual dream spread.  The one I use every single time I have a bizarre one where I’m left shaking my head and consult the cards to bring me some level of understanding and in actuality I mean peace.

Anytime I get the Queen or Princess of cups I know it’s about Ana.  So this is Shadow telling me to take extra good care of his baby girl.  The second card is letting me know that I have strength and I can use it to work out whatever it is I need to do (wands are the suit of action), and finally the Ace of Disks, in a position about how I can use the lessons of the dream in my waking life.  Well shit, I sure wish I could just go out and get a job!  Extra money would be lovely, but is some coming my way or is that not in the cards?  (I really crack myself up!)

I’m off to bed now.  Hopefully no strange dreams tonight, my brain needs to relax.

Sweet dreams!



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