Ana's Toothy Pouch


The lady bug button was of course, a must.

The time has finally come.  Ana has her first loose tooth.  My youngest baby is no longer a baby.  Her milk teeth are finally making way for the adult.

Thus, I made a toothy pouch.  I had made the same type of little pouch for Dino's lost teeth as well.  He still has his and keeps these little glass apothecary bottles inside that Shadow had bought him.

Ana wanted me to use the light pink Wool-Ease, but I didn't want to touch it for such a small project.  Instead I used Lion Brand's Summer Nights, I don't even remember what colorway it is as I've since lost the ball band and LBY doesn't even have it up on their website anymore.  When are they gonna learn that they should catalog these things and label them as discontinued so we at the very least don't think we're crazy years from now when we can't find a particular yarn that we knew for a fact was Lion Brand.   "We" of course being the collective knitters whose favorite yarn brand is Lion Brand.  Don't get me started on how Wool-Ease was discontinued too, but brought back out of the "vault", my two balls are old.

This was my afternoon project while I sat in the park for hours.  So many hours.  Ana needs at least three everyday.  Dino and I like to say it's her infinite park time.  Even when it was 28 degrees outside, back when she was actually going to school (man, that seems like a life time ago) she'd be at the park from 3pm till 6pm every single day.  I am very thankful that Cosentyx lets me bare the worst of the cold, for the most part.

My little nugg didn't even know what was wrong with her tooth, she thought she had hurt it some how.  But as soon as I looked into her mouth I could see it was merely loose.  Well, at least she's home all day so we can actually place the tooth in the pouch when it's time for it to fall out.

They grow up so fast.


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