Starting the Gertrude Sweater

Not bad, pretty good stitch definition!

No rest for the wicked.

After sleeping for over 10 hours last night (Cosentyx dose day), I woke up very groggy and wasn’t able to start Ana’s sweater right away.

I really don’t like when this happens because I feel like I’ve lost time and that is a terrible feeling.  At least my hands were no longer sore or stiff so I didn’t have to rest them today.  I did try and take some breaks however.

The Gertrude Sweater pattern is very straight forward, it’s only one size, and I’m thankful that it’s not being lost within the stripes. I was searching for a hoodie patter for a long time, but all of them appear so wonky especially the free patterns.  I really can’t afford to pay for someone else’s design right now and no offense but no one should be charging over 2 bucks for a pattern anyway. If my brain had been in the right place today I would have sat and counted stitches.  I’m that damn good after all, 31 years of knitting will do that.  I just fucking hate math and that’s why I don’t design my own stuff.


It’s cast on.  Using my Denise set, really thank the Gods for those needles.  There was a knot in the yarn at the end of the orange before it turned to pink, so that had to be tinked back and snipped and anchored.

I have 16 days left to finish this cardigan.  I do not want to be finishing it the day of Ana’s birthday.  I want her to be able to wear it.  Makes me think that if I really challenge myself to finish it in time, then I can make a matching one for her Margaret doll.  That would be quite something really.  But I shan’t make any promises.  One thing at a time while the April showers and low barometric pressure make my joints ache for the entire month.

C’est la vie!

Well, my life anyway.


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