The Knight of Pentacles

Look at him and his stoic ass self.

I did it!  I pulled a tarot card every single day this month.  I added a routine to my life and I stuck with it! I really do feel so proud.  What's very interesting is that a total of six times during April, I pulled the Knight of Pentacles, which is a card directly related to sticking to your shit.  If that's not a slap in the face from the universe, I don't know what is.

Tomorrow is Beltane and I shall start the month off by switching to a different deck to use.  Then, I'll find a Beltane spread to do with them.

I need the energy of the Knight of Pentacles to stick with me for other routines as well.  I've been taking my vitamins everyday, and drinking my teas and doing the little bit of yoga and stretching that I can manage.  I've also been taking part in the workshops on Saged, I've done every single one that's been offered since the beginning of April, there are at least 2 or more a week, which is fabulous.  I've learned a a lot and also further cemented what I don't want in my life.  Like that Bali 10K a month energy absolutely does not vibe with me, and I find it really off putting when it's presented in a spiritual context.

Anyway, I know what I'm about, I'm too old to fuck around with bullshit hustle culture.  I'm about sitting on that horse and riding nice and slow, taking in the scenery and enjoying life.

Be the Knight of Pentacles, he's cool as fuck.



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