
I believe I am having some lingering effects from my third dose of vaccine.  Specifically, I feel chilled.  Not as bad as the other day when I was in a state of feverish delirium, thank goodness.  Still, I feel so very cold.  My joints feel cold, as if I was standing outside in 20 degree weather.

Seeing as it was 55 degrees this afternoon and still 55 now, I should not feel this way.  Usually in the mornings, I am hot and sweaty feeling, it’s just the way my medication makes me feel.  I typically can be seen in my Birks and a t-shirt walking up the hill to the bus stop with Ana while everyone else is lamenting about the cold.  I like to point out that I don’t even have goosebumps in 30 degree weather, but only in the wee hours of the morning.  It’s like reverse hot flashes or something, it’s never at night.

Today, I had to get my jacket out of the closet, put socks and sneakers on and wrap a crocheted shawl around my head and neck.  When I came inside again, less than 20 minutes later, no amount of hot tea and time under the heating pad on full blast would chase the chill in my knees away.

It was awful.

While I was cooking, in between stirring, I sat on the couch again with the heating pad and I even put a sweater on over my sweatshirt.  A strong feeling of fatigue also over took me. I wanted nothing more than to wrap myself in my feather duvet (I’m a fancy bitch) and go to sleep, but it was nearly 6pm!  By this point in the evening I had consumed one cup of coffee and at least 4 possibly 5 cups of tea.  Strong black British tea, no sugar or milk.  I should have been jittery.  I actually forgot I still have some Irish tea left, other wise that would have been in my cup!

Now I am lying in bed, face washed, teeth brushed and I feel a bit better.  Not too cold.  Hopefully by tomorrow I will feel back to my usual self, which isn’t much better, but I’ll take it!

I truly hate being cold, I contemplated knitting leg warmers, and those will not look cool on these thick Grecian calves. 

