Mourning Moon 2021

She rises over the city.

Unfortunately, I slept through the eclipse.  I value my sleep, and if it’s disturbed, I do not feel well for the rest of the day, it was better that I did not wake for it.

I enjoy routine on a full moon.  I began the day, as I do every morning with my tarot practice.  I pulled a daily card, two cards for the monthly challenge and the full moon spread from the Biddy Tarot Planner:

How watery this spread is!

Saged did their full moon ceremony last night and for the first time in a long time, I tuned into that.  It was nice to get some journaling prompts done, we also did some tapping, which is a practice I’ve always been intrigued by.

Tonight, I watched the live stream on Circle Sanctuary’s YouTube channel:

It’s just good old fashioned Wiccan ritual.  There were poetry readings and some amazing performances, one woman on harp, another on guitar.  All very special.  When it finished I was left with a renewed sense of gratitude.  I am thankful for all that I have, and very thankful that I can participate in Wiccan circles this way, not only during the pandemic, but as a disabled person who doesn’t drive.  I can’t easily get to gatherings.  A ritual live stream is such a welcome part of my solitary practice.

I am not charging my necklace tonight, nor making moon water.  Apparently eclipse energy isn’t kosher for such things.  Plus there is a whole lot of other astrological stuff going on.  Whatever, I’m lazy.  Next month.

I did write my list of things to release and burned it in my cauldron.  I received a large piece of recycled paper wrapping with my shampoo bars I ordered, so I cut it up into smaller squares as ritual burning paper.  The ashes might actually be good for my plants, I don’t know, I’ll have to check.  Added to that, I burned a bay leaf as an offering since I didn’t light incense.

Now, my day is done and it is time to read, then sleep.  I feel at peace.

Blessed Be!

