Currently Reading


This was recommended to me somehow when I was searching through Libby a while ago and again last night when I was scrolling through available titles.  Often times what I’d like to read next has a rather long wait time which is just dumb when you think about how digital technology should work and it doesn’t.

Anyway, this promises to be quite the wild ride.  I’m only a few pages in and I’m really enjoying the writing style.  I think it’s listed as a thriller or mystery, I don’t remember.  I don’t think witches have anything to do with it though.  What I do know is that Penguin generally publishes really good things, you know, literature quality.

I’m almost finished with Keeping Her Keys.  I really regret purchasing that for my Kindle.  But I guess the least I can do is make the mistake of reading it myself so that other people on our Discord or Saged don’t have to.

The best thing about having the Kindle is that occasionally, Amazon gives me free books.  Like today, they said that because I read a Stephen King novel, they were giving me a voucher for The Stand.  That’s pretty sweet because I’ve never actually read the stand.  I’ve actually gotten a few free books this way, two in the Outlander series.

And now, back to my reading!

