Progress: Daddy’s Sweater Blanket

I’m on the second giant wound up ball, after this I have two more giant balls.  I didn’t measure this, so I have no idea how long it is so far, but it’s about 48 inches wide, it might just be about 18 inches or so.

It’s going very well so far.  Not too many ends to weave in, so that’s good, and as I continue to work with these size 15 bamboo needles, which I’ve never used before, they get smoother and smoother.

It makes excellent TV knitting. However there isn’t much good stuff for me to see.  I prefer British period mysteries.  I know, so niche.  The problem with the British series is that they have very few episodes per season.  Total bummer.

I’m just really hoping this thing comes out big enough.  I never made Ana a toddler sized blanket for her bed, like I did for Dino who had the same bed.

One thing for sure, I’m not unraveling this again.

