Love Spells

Tarot cards, rose quartz, Lush massage bar and symbol for Gemini written in red ink.

Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and I promised you, the reader, my opinion on love spells.  Well, here it is, enjoy:

Wanting a significant other is probably the main reason why so many forlorn teenyboppers turn to witchcraft.  Homo sapiens are not meant to be alone, we are social creatures, and loneliness literally cripples us and other primates.

So I get it, you want someone to hold you, someone to be there for you through thick and thin.  For most people it's companionship, for others it's: God damn it I need to get laid!

Whatever your reason, you turn to magick.  Pure witchcraft solves this problem no questions asked, but Wicca does not.  See, if you turn to Wicca, then there are rules.  The law of three and an' it harm none.  So if you're Wiccan, you can't do a love spell on a person, because that's messing with their free will and that's a huge no no.

If you're Wiccan, you're left with bringing more love into your life as opposed to making Annette the super hot chick with the massive tits fall head over heels for you.  See, cause that's rape.  She doesn't really love you buddy (or gal), you forced her to be with you against her better judgement, so leave Annette and her future back problems alone.

What you're allowed to do in Wicca is a generalized love spell that brings more love to you without compromising an individual.  However, I'm here to stir the cauldron and put my two frogs legs in.

As the Goddess Rupaul Herself says "if you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?"

Wise words from a fabulous crone.

No one else can complete you.  Only you can complete yourself.  How the fuck are you supposed to be half a person, with insecurities and no confidence looking for someone else to put you on a pedestal?!  

Love yourself.

Take the time to care for YOU.  Before that Wiccan love spell can begin, you need work on yourself.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself "I love you, I am worth it, I am the most important person in my life".  Draw yourself a bath.  Meditate, be alone with your thoughts, light some candles and incense if you like, hell, put some rose petals in there too, cause why not? Let the water embrace you.  Perhaps this water is Poseidon or a lesser water deity.  Feel their energy cleansing you.  While in the water, if you want, take care of yourself and I do mean sexually.  Know your body, what it likes, what it doesn't.  You can bring yourself your own pleasure, you don't need someone else.

When the bath is done, dry off and bless yourself with anointing oil.  Then rub a suitable oil (I like Lush's massage bars) into every inch of your skin, perhaps this is when things get frisky with yourself if it didn't happen in the tub.  If not, that's ok.

You are cleansed, you are clean, you are relaxed and you can love the person you are.

The point I'm trying to make is, that you need to be in total control of your own body and not wait for someone else to show you what your body can do.  Especially women reading this.  Don't let a man make you think you can't orgasm like it's your fault.  If penises we're so great we wouldn't have been making dildos for thousands of years.

Building self esteem and confidence takes time, and only then will you be ready to do a love spell.

When you reach this goal of self love, a love spell that Uncle Bucky (Raymond Buckland) recommends is based on zodiac signs.  Let's use myself as an example.  I am an Aquarius, and my match is Gemini, therefore, I shall perform a ritual to bring a Gemini (Shadow happens to be a Gemini) to me, not a specific one, but someone of that sign.

The following is my take on this, not Uncle Bucky's.

The simplest way to do this is to draw the sign on a piece of paper (♊) and say a few words over it:

O beautiful Aphrodite, I ask that you help send a willing (sign) my way, so that I may have love and companionship, partnership and joy.
So mote it be.

Feel free to ask whichever deity you prefer.  Aphrodite might not care about me finding love, so who knows if she'll even answer.  The Greek Gods are fickle like that, they also like titles and I only called her beautiful when she has many more, so include those.

Take the piece of paper and place it under your pillow, do this leading up to a full moon.  If you want more correspondences than that, like colors, dates and times, check out Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences.  I actually own it, but it's in storage, other wise I'd give you the info myself, not that I really use it.

So, feel free to use any of my suggestions here or not.  I'm going to gorge myself on chocolate tomorrow regardless.  I actually don't like Valentine's Day because it's too close to my birthday (the 11th), so it messes things up.  I'm not into lovey dovey, I'm into good quality chocolate.

There you have it.  Love yourself, that is my message, first and foremost to you dear reader.  No amount of rose petals or rose quartz can ever make true love happen, when it does, you'll know it, and even then be careful, cause the other person might not feel the way you do and boy do I have some stories about that.

Blessed Be my darlings.

Much love and light to you all! 😘

On a more serious note, I realize this can be a stressful if not depressing time for many of you, and I respect that, if you need someone to talk to, hit me up on Hangouts, I'm not busy tomorrow.


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