Washcloths for the Troops

My knitting and crochet work area.

Putting my opinions about the United States Army aside (that could be a whole post by itself), I am crocheting washcloths for a group stationed in Africa.  The mother of one of the soldiers is on Ravelry and reached out to the group to get things started.

I have tons of time and tons of yarn and I work relatively fast.  I’m currently on my eighth cloth, and there isn’t that much yarn left on the cone.  I have two balls that have pink in them, so unless I get the word that there are indeed women I won’t be using those colors, you know the whole don’t ask don’t tell issue, I don’t want a gay gentleman picking pink and being ridiculed when all he’s trying to do is wash the dirt and grime off his body.

This is the second time that I’ve knit washcloths for a cause.  I’m not really a nice person.  I just don’t tend to do things out of the kindness of my heart, but I can make things so I just shrug my shoulders and get to work.  Last time I made ten washcloths for my sister to distribute when she was in Guatemala.

My charitable donations have in the past included hats and blanket squares, but I haven’t made those in many years.  Usually now is about the time where they collect for Warm Up America! But I haven’t heard if the Lion Brand Yarn Studio is accepting donations this year.  In past years, they’ve hosted joining parties where everyone gets together and sews (joins) the squares together to form giant blankets for families.

I suppose I’ll keep my eyes peeled for more knitting and crochet donation projects.  I do have tons of yarn to get through.

Blessed Be!


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