Imbolc 2024


Brigid in Her bed.

Ana loves tucking Brigid into Her bed on Imbolc.  She looks forward to it every year since I crocheted our Brigid rag doll out of yarn.  Imbolc for us is a low stress Sabbat.  Light a candle, eat a meal, tuck dolly into bed.  Easy, peasy.  The magick and ritual is in knowing that we’re at the midway point between winter and spring, and that warmer days are ahead.  Despite whatever groundhogs saw or didn’t see today, there is still in fact, six more weeks of winter.

My day was spent running around in the cold and wet doing errands and restocking our fridge and pantry.  Luckily for me, my only errand was to give PSE&G a voucher for my gas bill.  My budget is so tight, that it was very much welcome and appreciated.  Of course, where did I wind up shopping on my ultra super tight pennies to spend budget?  Whole Paycheck, excuse me, Whole Foods.  Of course, I have food stamps and can shop where I damn well please, but I’m not one of those fat asses who buys diet cokes and ice cream from Walmart.  Oh no.  I need the good shit.  I spend my hard earned government subsidies on organic fruits and veggies:

I took this picture for my sister to show her that I was able to choose each piece of fruit.  I’m neurotic like that.  I even chose each yellow potato and it brought me such joy.  From this pile of very expensive food, for tonight’s dinner, which I didn’t get a picture of, cause I was too busy eating; I made salmon in the air fryer, rice in the rice cooker, and I heated the broccoli in the microwave.  No flames were used on this Imbolc, which is partially about tending the sacred flame… oh well.

Of course, I did a short tarot spread, because that’s what I do:

According to this I must burn and release all my dreams as depicted in the Page of Pentacles.  See how whimsically he’s gazing at his coin?  Yeah, the question was “what can I burn”, the answer: hope and dreams.  Apparently I’ll find love, which I don’t want right now.  I’ve thoroughly embraced my witchy old hag solitude thank you very much.  One must have a good eye roll when they pull cards such as these.

I’m just glad the ritual was yesterday, I don’t think I would have been able to concentrate if it had been this evening.  Plus, Ana had dance at 7, so I would have missed it.  We did a meditation, I took some notes and did some journaling.  Sweet and simple, the way I like it:

I didn’t even turn my salt lamps on… but, the flame was there!

And now I rest and relax.  I am completely knackered, my Apple watch says I walked over 18K steps today.  I’m going to be in severe pain tomorrow.  I don’t even know how I did it…

Blessed Imbolc!



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