2nd Shot Tomorrow

I am honestly a tad nervous about tomorrow.  Of course there have been the horror stories of people getting terribly ill after the second jab.  A few people have also died.  All extremely disconcerting.

My friend Will tells me not to worry.  He communes with Jove and Jove told him that pious pagans needn’t worry because they are doing what is necessary.  Though I don’t work with Jove, it does bring me some comfort.

I will light my altar candle tomorrow, and an offering of incense as I do every day.  I may even take the time to chant a mantra with my rhodonite prayer beads.  I made them some time ago after Shadow passed because rhodonite is good for arthritis and shock which sadly I went into after hearing the news of his untimely death.

I’ll probably wear them around my neck or maybe as a bracelet on my left arm.  Rhodonite is also good for the heart chakra, so that all works out.

I have everything prepared for tomorrow.  Microwave meals for the children from Trader Joe’s incase I feel too weak to cook.  My teas, including a CBD tea, corydalis, a bottle of Kombucha in case I get a sore throat which would mean the triggering of a psoriatic flare up.  I have a heating pad and ice pack, my knee pillow that I used to prop up my arm the first injection.

My babies know that if mama gets a migraine they have to be quiet in the living room while I rest in the dark bedroom.  I luckily haven’t had a migraine in a while and now I’m wondering if they were triggered by wheat since I’ve cut that out.  Interesting to note anyway.

So that’s basically it.  My babies are no longer babies, so they can sit quietly in the other room for the afternoon and evening if it comes to that.  Dino knows how to follow the directions on TJ’s ready meals (which are very specific I might add).  Ana will have to be bribed and coerced into her homework, but I already spoke to the teacher about the packet pickup in case I can’t make it on Friday.

I’m hoping that whatever I experience will be mild, but it’s something I must address because at the end of the day I am a disabled woman with a very severe case of autoimmune and I’d rather be safe than sorry.  Shadow is no longer on this Earth to take care of me, and he knows damn well I have no intention of joining him anytime soon!

Wish me luck!


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