March 2021 Pokemon Community Day

The best shiny I caught all day.

From 11am until 5pm, with a few breaks in between for snacks and bathroom, I caught the fire type Pokémon Fletchling.  

Over and over again.

Community day is something I do every month for the same hours, catching whatever the featured Pokemon is.  It's mind numbingly fabulous.

With no where to go during covid, it is the perfect Saturday afternoon activity, especially on a freezing day like this when you don't want to do anything.  I am lucky that I live on three stops, and I can drift to a gym.  I also have the ability to nominate my own stops, which I have not yet done, because that requires me to actually go outside and take high quality photos of places.  I prefer sitting on my couch and doing nothing.

The ultimate chill lax flex.

I had planned to sit and knit today and keep the Poke Ball Plus next to me, it's very convenient, but my box is quite full, and my transfers to Let's Go Pikachu weren't working, so without space, I have to manually transfer each Pokemon I don't want to keep, which is the majority of them.  Today's haul was only 11 Pokemon.  4 Shiny Fletchling, 3 Tornadus from raids, 1 perfect zero Clefairy, and 3 good enough Fletchling that I could evolve.

Today I caught my first perfect legendary.  I named him Three Torn.  It sounds bad ass but it's just short for Three starred Tornadus.

Best legendary I've EVER caught!


I also caught my first empty gauge Pokemon, which I aptly named Zero Chill.  I didn't even know their stats could go to zero, and I've been playing this game for almost 5 years!

Look at this poor baby, dumber than Britney Spears.

For last few hours of the event, I was trying to coordinate with Eli so we could catch legendaries.  It didn't go too well. We were able to raid just once together.  Time kept running out, or lobbies were full.  It's a heck of a lot easier when you're physically at a location, I'll tell you that much.

But, I had fun, and I'm tired, as if I was the one physically throwing Poke Balls all day.  Probably just fatigue from being outside in the cold for so long yesterday and then staring at a screen all day today.  Though I enjoy being lazy, I can't wait for it to be warmer so I can go to the big park to play again.  It really is nice meeting other trainers, some of them decked out in their gear. I'm hoping they can do a little something extra for the fifth anniversary in June.  That would be nice.  I did read that they're going to release a special edition TCG card, which is exciting, but with all the scalping suddenly going on, I won't hold my breath to get one.

And now, to relax!


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