This Week's Obsession

Shadow has a nasty habit of changing his mind too much.  Are all Gemini's like that?  I don't know, I'm too lazy to look it up.

Basically, every week, or two weeks or sometimes, every month, Shadow gets a brilliant idea but never sees it through.  I can count so many, fishing, herbs, building a tiny house, "making money" (this has been in various forms) and so many other schemes.  He has too much drive and not nearly enough diligence.  It's terribly annoying.

Right now, it's jewelry making.  He's taking crystal points and wrapping them in wire hoping to get 25 bucks or more out of each piece in the city.

I wonder what he'll move on to next week ?

The main problem is, that each time he get's an obsession, he buys A LOT of stuff that goes with it.  He has purchased a closet full of fishing junk.  We have a huge box of dried herbs, we have books he hasn't read.  He has always had crystals, so I won't complain about those.  I own many pieces myself. But now he wan't to buy all the jewelry making paraphernalia.  Do you see where this is going?

All these endeavors have been nothing but a waste of money.

Then, he asks me to support him.  He needs my support.  Bullshit.  I don't support anyone unless I see a finished product.  Or in his case, multiple finished products because he's terribly lazy, will make one and he's done.

The other problem with people thinking that they can make stuff is the quality of work.  Due to youtube, everyone and their mother thinks they can make shit.  They don't have talent.  I'm sorry, but I'm not going to buy something from you unless it looks good.  Don't charge money based on your labor when it looks like shit.  The do it yourself movement has gotten completely out of hand.  STOP making shit if you don't know how to.  Find something you're good at, and buy the stuff you want and can't make from other people who can make it well.

For example.  I can knit but can't crochet.  If I want something crocheted, I sure as hell ain't gonna sit there and make it myself, I have no talent for it, it will look like shit.  Therefore, I ask my mama to make that crocheted baby hat.  Or I'd purchase it from someone else who's workmanship meets my standards.

I would love to make my own soap, but I don't have the money to buy all the necessary equipment and sit there and make batch after batch until it comes out to my liking.  So, I buy soap from other people.  These people have talent in soap making, it smells good, it is ascetically pleasing, and it cleans me.  It's a win win situation.

I'm sorry that Shadow hasn't found his calling in life, but he's probably too old for it now, or has to wait a couple of years for his mid life crisis to hit.  He'll be 37 in June, so that's soon, men don't live that long.  Perhaps then, he will have a real epiphany and be driven to create something worthy of my patience, because very little things are.

I can also say that it was his idea to start this blog because he read online that one could make money by blogging.  Well, he has yet to write a single post, and I the writer (I actually did go to school for writing) haven't made a single penny.  Don't writers get paid by the word?  Or do I have to endorse some company and sing it's praises, lying to the readers about how this is the only vaginal cream I use for my poor post child birthing hole?  I mean, that's what most bloggers do right?  Stick to the one awesome thing that pays the most bucks?  I think I'll skip that.

So, onwards to a new day, and next week, or month or soon, when Shadow decides that his new calling in life is selling vacuum cleaners or some such thing.


  1. I am very similar to shadow in this regard. I have so many ideas, so many passions... so many unfinished projects. I have a half filled out account (or five) on every website that will let me. I have hundreds of websites that I haven't logged in to let alone posted to in nobody knows how long.

    I used to feel ashamed of it, felt like it was a negative trait. Then my grandfather died. Then, he could no longer do the things that made him happy as a human, and it made me think. Then I read this post, and I finished the thought.

    I hope, that when I die, I have thousands, maybe millions more of these unfinished projects. Because, despite them never being completed, they weren't without their fruits. I was happy when I had this idea. I was content, I was driven, even if I wasn't able to maintain the focus.

    I also learned a bit about why I was like that. I wasn't lacking motivation, drive or diligence. I was lacking pace. We all have so much energy to put into things. I spent all of that energy on a project in a week or two, rather than pacing it and using my energy sparingly. So I tired the idea out before my actual goal could be had.

    So I changed my goal. now, my goal is to have fun making all these things, to be happy and enjoy existence. If I sell something, well then there is an extra blessing! Some money that I can use to the good of my family!

    I love your posts.


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