Pagan Pride Day in NYC 2018

A few of the booths on one side of Castle Clinton in Battery Park.

We’ve been going to Pagan Pride Day since Dino was very small and it’s always been a blast.  Dino didn’t get to go last year (he wasn't feeling well), so it was extra nice for the four of us to all finally go together again as a family.  Typically, we see the same booths every year, but this year a few people were missing, in fact I’d have to say it was much smaller than usual.

This year since Shadow was back on the east coast, we decided to make some tie dye as a family and all go with matching shirts.  Several vendors commented on how awesome it was for the whole family to be in our hand crafted duds. We were also all decked out in crystals, which is normal for us.

Dino and Ana in their tie dyed shirts.

Where ever we go we’re in search of crystals.  We own everything else for our altar, so new or bigger crystals are the only things we will add to our collection.  One gentleman had an excellent array for sale, but we didn’t wind up buying any from him.

Dino checking out the crystal points.

There were a few other things we bought which I will detail in another post.  I haven't taken pictures of all the items yet.  I also, after all these years finally won one of the raffles so I'll be showing that off as well.

Unfortunately, we missed the opening ritual and there wasn't a closing one.  What they did do was a drum circle which was cool.  They always have a troop of belly dancers who dance at various intervals.

Dancers at the closing drum circle.

One thing we did do was attend a tarot workshop as a family.  For the past several weeks Dino has been super interested in tarot so I jumped at the chance to let him sit down for a basic 101 introduction to the cards.  The gentleman who was teaching it was very young and started when he was 8.  I took notes for Dino and he took his own, I also snapped a picture of a chart the teacher used for his class:

And that's that.  We got there later in the day, so we missed out on other cool workshops and there wasn't much that we would have liked to buy.  The one thing we are looking for is a really cool tapestry to eventually put behind our altar table once we get situated again.  So if anyone knows a place that sells them, please let us know.  The vendors always have their own really pretty ones up, but they don't sell the same ones!

Blessed Be!


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