Preparing for Lammas


With Lammas tomorrow, it was high time to clean and dust off the altar.  Ashes, wax, soot and lavender buds were scattered about and this bit of sacred space needed a scrub!

I actually took the time to remove said buds from their stalks. I put them into an empty jar I had, I’m going to use them for bath rituals.  Nothing beats lavender in a bath!

Stray buds still managed to get everywhere, but at least they’re contained now.

I realized today that this whole time, I should have been using my crystal water bottle for Moon water.  I shall certainly be doing that next full moon!  It’s terribly impractical to bring out and about.  So inside it shall stay.

Besides the altar, I also took the time to thoroughly sweep and mop.  Most days it’s a quick sweep, but Strawberry has still been shedding like crazy.  I worry that 110 degree weather is on the horizon for us!  All I’ve been sweeping up is cat fur. I should be collecting it to spin into yarn!

Today was also the Lammas ceremony on Saged, so of course I attended that.  It was a lovely guided meditation.  Maybe Circle Sanctuary will host theirs tomorrow, I haven’t even checked.

Now that all that is done, I’m going to read the Lammas section in my Sabbats Almanac as is my tradition the day before a celebration.

Blessed Be!



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