An Introduction to Us

I have been told time and time, and time yet again to write a blog.  You see, I've always been a writer. Never been published, but I have a lot on my mind.  I'm outspoken, politically incorrect, overly opinionated and outlandish.  I have been called eccentric as well as anachronistic.  Former friends accused me of having no tact.  My reply?  I was born and raised in NYC, grew up listening to a father who yelled obscenities in every sentence.  Tact?  No thank you.

I don't care what others think.  I care about three people and a cat.  Perhaps a few others as well, but we'll leave them out of this for now.

Now here's the deal:  The internet is filled with morons (and maybe I'm one of them) that only do one thing.  Like "beauty" or cupcakes or crochet, or sex with cacti, to each their own, but they are morons nonetheless.  Just as a side note, I am allowed to say morons as a born and bred New Yorker, and as such, I can also use the word retard.  Also, I don't care if it offends you.  This is the internet, there are pictures of people doing "beauty" as well as pictures of people having sex with horses.  C'est la vie!

I digress, I am not one of those morons who does one thing.  You see, I am a multi faceted human being who is capable of many things and have learned to do those many things long before the internet came about because I was a good little Greek girl who learned to do many things out of sheer necessity, or because I was expected to become a good wife one day.  I can cook very well, and of course I can, because I am Greek, by definition Greek people can cook well.  I bake my own bread a few times a week because American bread sucks and contains enough sugar to quickly render one diabetic.  I knit, everyday, I learned at age 5.  I am that bitch who knows how to make useful garments out of sheep hair to keep my man warm in this god forsaken frozen waste land that is Jersey.

Other things I can do: build IKEA furniture.  Many people can't.  They are idiots.  It's not that difficult.  I have put all my furniture together by myself because my husband Shadow can be a lazy ass.  I can fix things and install things.

There are so many things that I can do, so this blog will not just be about one thing.  I have many talents and interests.  I was a musician, a teacher, I am a Pokemon trainer and have been one since 1998, I am Wiccan as is Shadow and together we study and practice as eclectic Wiccans.  We both come from former Christian backgrounds, we won't bash you, but you have to admit that there is something seriously wrong with the Abrahamic religions in general.  Don't tell me what to wear or eat.  I shall do as I will, an it harm none.

Shadow will introduce himself as he sees fit.  He's a blast really.  Well, not really, we're hippies, and he's just a pot smoking Cali boy, but I promise there is much more to him than that, if he can remember what it is.

So.  Maybe this blog will be all over the place.  Maybe you're looking for a specific thing and want to know what our opinion on it is, because it is truly very important to seek information from strangers on the internet.  For example, we support Trump, because he's a billionaire and this is America God damn it!  We can talk about the crystals we own and use.  Shadow can go on about various things that I can't.  It's all fun and games in our apartment!

Even if no one reads, or comments, who cares.  What matters is that I get my thoughts on screen and forever saved in order to embarrass my children later in life.  It is worth it.

That is all, until tomorrow, or whenever I feel like writing again.  I won't promise dates and times, I'm a bitch, I cater to no one.  You will wait and when the next post comes, it comes.  Have patience, it's another thing I was taught to have without the use of the internet.


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