Mabon 2020


Time sure does fly.  The end of the Wiccan Wheel of the Year was tonight.

This evening’s Mabon ritual was on video conference.  I sat on the floor of my bedroom.  My new meditation pillow makes it nice and comfy, so glad I purchased the one filled with buckwheat husks!

I decided to finally pull a ritual from Llewelyn’s 2020 Sabbats Almanac.  It’s honestly a fabulous resource for those new to Wicca and old broads such as myself.

I haven’t been utilizing my full family altar in the living room for these virtual get together and honestly I think it works out better that I don’t.  I noticed many of my new found internet friends are sitting on the floor in their bedrooms too.  Plus, I’d like it to be a teaching moment and show that not much is needed for a meaningful yet simple ritual.

I had all my bases covered, water (to purify in a spray bottle and a mason jar to drink), incense, tonight I used some sustainable, fair trade, ethically sourced Palo Santo I purchased at Whole Foods, a candle (basic tea light from IKEA) and a bit of healing sound vibrations in the form of Tibetan cymbals, which I must say, sound lovely.

The ritual called for pinecones but a tiny pumpkin is what I had.  Make do, I say!

All in all, it was short, sweet and straight to the point.  I’m hoping everyone enjoyed it.  Afterwards, we chatted a bit, while I drank plenty of water (I’m always thirsty after ritual!) and said our good nights.

I showered using a turmeric and oatmeal bar of soap that really tied in well with the harvest theme and now I lay in bed, winding down, grounding in a way, amazed how beautiful the Palo Santo made my room smell.  It’s smoky and woodsy with this hint of sweetness, no wonder it has become so popular lately.

Now it has just struck 12 and I must be up early.  I can go to sleep peacefully.

Blessed Be! 🍂 🌽


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