In Pain Again


Chronic illness is a bitch.

Late last night my right knee, the one that is now permanently deformed, locked up and I was in severe pain.  I couldn’t put any weight on the leg at all, which is not cool when you’re the only adult in your household and have major shit to do.  I don’t like delegating things to Dino, he’s 14 and yes should be doing some things but not all the things.  That’s my job.  I’m the Queen Bee.

I’m lucky that Ana is at the age that for the most part can somewhat bathe herself and thanks to Pokémon Smile can fully brush her teeth all by herself.  She’s certainly not a baby anymore!

The pain lasted well into the early afternoon of today.  Not fun.  I couldn’t even manage to do my physical therapy stretches but I did try to use the muscle roller on it to no avail. 

I downed all my usual supplements and decided to pop 200mg of ibuprofen, my drug of choice, since I don’t keep anything harder and medical marijuana doesn’t work for me.  Shadow seemed to think Cosentyx fucks with the THC receptors that humans all have.  I guess I’ll never know and I don’t have the funds to experiment.  I haven’t yet read the laws for NJ, but if I can grow a plant legally, then it’ll be great to at least make a cream for my lesions and joints.

I also slathered on some knock off Bengay I get from Dollar Tree cause why spend 15 bucks on mentholated rub when one can spend just a buck?  On top of that I liberally added a deep muscle ache essential oil blend which is more menthol, peppermint and such.  I also have a Wintergreen oil, which is the main ingredient in DoTerra’s Deep Blue, but I don’t remember where I put it.  It’s a shame Deep Blue is so expensive, that stuff is amazing, fuck DoTerra and their MLM pyramid scheme, but you can’t argue with a great product that actually works.

Somewhere around 3pm the ibuprofen kicked in while I was hobbling around the park with Ana.  It was a gorgeous day outside and warm too I couldn’t say no to fresh air, so I had to tough it out.

I was also able to get the laundry done today, I usually do it Sunday but when Dino is home I prefer to do it on Tuesday or Thursday late afternoon, one because it’s less crowded and two because they lower the price on the washers by a dollar!

I treated the kids to Cuban food from our favorite hole in the wall cafeteria and I thoroughly enjoyed a café con leche.  Seriously they have the best coffee in town and it’s only a buck 25, screw everywhere else they don’t even compare.  We haven’t gotten take away in so long and it’s the only place I can afford.  11.25 to feed us all and I gave the guy a two dollar tip as my daddy always taught me to do, immigrants work hard for us fat ass Americans.

Now I lay here in bed, tired, showered, on clean sheets with my oil diffuser going.  I am no longer in severe pain and I hope that tomorrow I will feel back to my normal.

I may do a sigil tomorrow morning for any lingering pain.  I do love a good sigil.


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