Reading About Altars

 It was requested that I teach this Saturday evening and our topic is altars.  As with every topic I teach, I enjoy a refresher the week before, it helps me solidify my own ideas as well as give me fresh ideas and knowledge, so I selected a book and went with it.  It’s very Wheel of the Year heavy which is not my jam when trying to teach to students who aren’t Wiccan.

I’m almost finished with it, so perhaps I’ll have time to skim through a more worldly viewed book which I happened to find at the thrift shop some time ago.  It is more a photography book than anything, depicting altars from various faiths and holidays.  I’m very happy I found it.

Years ago I read a book I had found in a tiny botanica in Downtown Newark.  Sadly I don’t remember much of what I read.  There is one book on my list which has the word witch in the title, so I hope it’s a bit more promising when it comes to constructing a secular witchcraft altar.  One of the things I want to let people know who aren’t Wiccan is that an altar can be a point of focus, it doesn’t need to be spiritual in anyway, in the case of the craft, it will mostly be the tools used in one’s practice and other items that the witch may feel holds power.

I’m really looking forward to making my slides which I shall start tomorrow.  They will be very picture heavy, which is good.  I love nothing more than seeing other witches beautiful altar spaces.

Now, back to my reading!

Blessed Be!



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