Quickening Moon 2021

My simple sigil to relieve my knee pain.

I wound up not teaching tonight's class, Luna kindly stepped up to teach everyone about altars and she did a fabulous job.  I piped up a couple of times to add some tidbits about not needing so many tools, or a massive dedicated altar.  People can keep it simple and use items that they already have.  I also didn't perform a full ritual for everyone tonight.  We have a few people with health issues at the moment (mine pales in comparison), but I have personally lit a candle on my altar for a quick recovery for everyone who needs it.

I did do a quick full moon reading tonight, amazingly, I got all cards that resonate with the energy I'm going for:

These are just what I needed to see in relation to my intentions.

As for my own little full moon ritual, I did use my Temple of the Sky bath bomb and it was lovely.  I feel refreshed and of course I smell delicious.  I am lucky that the light of the full moon comes straight into my apartment.  I'll replenish my moon water, and put out my moonstone necklace to charge.  This afternoon I lit a stick of incense in addition to the candle to give a boost to my friend's and my healing.

Today was the day I officially cut out gluten again in order to lesson my inflammation.  Our full moon dinner was steak with onions and fresh sautéed broccoli seasoned with turmeric and garlic.  None of that is especially significant for the full moon, but they are foods that are nutrient dense, iron, fiber, curcumin.  No cakes and ale (never ale of course), but the children can eat whatever they choose, I am grateful they so far have not shown signs of my illness, and I continue to pray that they do not.

Tonight's intentions as with all full moons, are to lessen those aspects of your life you wish to part ways with as the moon wanes.  For me, that is inflammation and pain, you can see this illustrated in the quick sigil I drew for myself.  It's what I must really focus on during the next couple of weeks.  I'm trying to be more in-tune with my body, which is why I have decided to cut gluten again.  I have already been without dairy (minus the sprinkly cheese variety on pasta), as it affects my skin as well.  Already as I sit here writing this, I am not itchy, my lesions are red, but they are not dry and flakey.  Gluten and I are parting ways.  Perhaps one day I will bring it back but not at the cost of my comfort.

The full moon is named the quickening moon in February because just beneath the ground, life is quickening, ready to peek through the soil as the weather warms.  Therefore, it is also appropriate to set intentions you wish to grow before Ostara comes.  Those intentions for me are for my pain to be replaced with energy, and strength.

I'm know that I will begin to feel better, as the days lengthen and the sun warms us up.

Blessed Be!



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