Talking Circles


Yes, that's Voldemort's Wand, and yes, I have cast circle with it.

For much of the past ten months of covid restricted living, I and some others have gotten together to teach basic witchcraft to folks online.  It's very fun.  And it's free.  I do enjoy free.  Our little neck of the woods was founded by an amazing woman who goes by Sneak.

I have over twenty years experience in Wicca, witchcraft, folk magick and I'm currently fortifying my occult knowledge which has eluded me since highschool when some bitch said I couldn't study it in college.  I'm not an expert by any means.  I read a lot and I watch way too many documentaries while I knit.  I've also been to numerous workshops over the years taught by actual professionals.  Therefore I have an awful lot of information that I can share.

We typically teach on Saturdays with rituals in between on the particular days they may fall.  Tonight's lesson was on casting the magick circle.

I have personally used all off the tools above to cast my circles for ritual.  The short sword gets used less because it's currently rusted and I have yet to buy the stuff to "un rust" it.  It was Shadow's favorite.  Allegedly there is another one buried in the backyard of his best friend's house (when he passed), but I refuse to go over there.

I used to be way more strict with my casting but, as I've grown older and more comfortable, ie: more lax, I no longer feel the need to go all out.  But, it's fun to teach others how they can go all out with the tools available to them.

I spent much of the day today putting together my slides (I like to make them look college level professional), and when I was done with those, I began adding more materials to our Google Classroom.  I like to think that we're creating a regular old virtual Hogwarts over here.

I also like to scour the inter webs for free books and PDF's to post.  I believe that everyone who wants this information should have it for free.  I've seen people with YouTube channels, Podcasts, and the like charge extreme amounts of money on "exclusive" Patreon accounts for the same information that I can give everyone for nothing.

I get it, you gotta make money some how, especially in this day and age, but that leaves people without funds out, and that's not fair.  Education should be free.  Especially occult knowledge.  Other people ask for meager amounts, or donations and that's fine.  They realize that not everyone has dough to spend.

It's part of the reason why I don't have ads on this blog.  The main reason is because I loathe clicking on a site, only to scroll through someone's entire life story, plus pop up videos, weird pictures, their narcissistic "merch" and other bullshit just to find a cookie recipe.  That's why I promised to put my spells and recipes at the top of the page, no explanation necessary unless you want to read it afterwards.  It makes much more sense to me.

So, shout out to all the folks out there spreading the words of Gerald Gardner and Aleister Crowley for free.  Knowledge is power.



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