Mourning Moon 2022


The full moon rising over Manhattan.

We had ritual yesterday as the eclipse happened this morning.  I don’t function well if I get up that early, so I lived vicariously through those brave souls who did.  Some even stayed up all night, which honestly is a bit over kill, ya could have had 6 hours minimum!  Not my jam.

As usual, I had my Traveler’s Notebook, fountain pen, a candle, salt lamps on, but didn’t make a cup of tea.  It’s been 24 hours and I still regret not making tea.  What the heck is wrong with me?!  Tea is life!

Today, Ana had off from school for Election Day, so I made a big breakfast and we got some stuff for lunch, which we took to the park.  It was a beautiful day.  We were tasked with watching her friend, so they got to play the entire afternoon until the park closed at 5pm.  Various other friends came and went as the sun set and cold crept in.

Earlier in the day (long before the threat of twilight) I took the time to pull my cards, first from The Moon Deck:

And then the spread from the Biddy Tarot Planner, using the pocket Thoth because I was too lazy to get the big boys out:

Once we got home from the park, I made dinner (I didn’t get a pic, I was hungry), and I ran a bath.  I also lit a stick of incense and I’m glad that I did because someone must have been smoking some really great weed in the hallway, my entire apartment smelled like Shadow was home again!

The best part about not paying for water is being able to use as much hot water as you want.  I cannot take my water too hot, but still, my joints love a good warm soak.  I did a short meditation of release while I let water run over my hands.  Simple things like that can be so utterly powerful.

Now, I will read a bit until I get too tired to continue.

Blessed Be!



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