Practicing My Handwriting

In my ongoing pursuit of learning tarot I have decided to go the old fashioned route and simply take notes.  Above is my Working Book of Shadows.  I should probably do a post on what exactly that is.

Note taking does two things for me.  It will one, help me learn the cards and some new spreads (hopefully) and two, help me to take better control of my handwriting.

Having severe psoriatic arthritis in my hands leaves them not only achy but I often get hand tremors as well.  I honestly have no idea if knitting and crochet is helping or making it worse and right now my doctor can’t tell me either.  My physical therapist told me (as with most things) “if it hurts you, don’t do it”.  Sage advice.  I’m constantly torn between walking enough to “keep moving” and walking past my three mile limit where I then need to rest for an entire day.

With putting pen to paper, I must abide by the same principles.  I have also made adjustments.  The main one being the use of fountain pens.  I am by no means an aficionado.  I use them because they’re easier on my hands.  The average person doesn’t feel how much pressure it takes to create letters with a ball point pen.  I do.  I experience a great deal of fatigue in the wrist and knuckles.  I can currently write one full page in my notebook with a fountain pen and feel alright.  I can not do that with a modern pen.

Over the past few days I have done eight pages of notes.  While my children do their school work, I too am doing mine.  It just looks a bit different: scouring the internet for free information on tarot interpretations, techniques and spreads.  It also doesn’t hurt to ogle at new decks that I can’t afford.  I have unfortunately lost too many decks in my life to absolutely no fault of my own.  Maybe for Yule this year I will treat myself to a Marseille style deck.  I used to love the Deviant Moon deck and the same illustrator has done a gorgeous Marseille deck in the same style.  It’s something to look forward to anyway.  If I feel confident in what I’ve learned by then, I will purchase it as a special treat.

At least I feel more confident with my handwriting.  I was told many moons ago that I had very nice handwriting.  Yet it has changed dramatically.  I miss letters because my fingers are too stiff to maneuver the pen, my lower case R’s are not legible as R’s!  In the above page of my notes, I see handwriting that is doing much better.  The R’s especially are looking swell, if I do say so myself.

I will certainly try and keep this progress up.  By trying to write notes on tarot everyday, I will kill two birds with one stone and be better for it.

Blessed Be!


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