The Working Book of Shadows

A BOS blessing I found online, some years ago.

This isn't a traditional Book of Shadows by a long shot.  This is what I decided to do for the past few years to keep my notebook usage down, and my sanity intact after Shadow lost a Moleskine notebook on me.

Many moons ago, when I was a thirteen year old girl, I decided that I was going to keep multiple notebooks, and that my BOS would be special and beautiful with calligraphy and little paintings I did.  Well, it was, and I had the most adorable little water colors in there.  I kept it for years, until I got pregnant with my son and my parents kicked me out and threw out all my things.  

There was a time that I didn't keep a physical notebook, and instead wrote on Live Journal, eventually transitioning to here after my writing professor told me I should start a blog.  At some point I began another notebook, and I decided I was going to put it all in one place.  Dreams, spells, hymns, tarot spreads, daily journaling, everything in one book.  Well, one day while on the bus, Shadow forgot Ana's diaper bag, and inside was my Moleskine notebook.  I was very upset.

Nonetheless, I started another journal and I have used a single notebook for everything ever since.  It works for me.  I call it a Working Book of Shadows for two reasons, the first is because it's always a work in progress and the second, because I can do workings in it.

From knitting patterns:
The pattern for a pieced together crochet blanket I did for my best friend's second son.

To tarot spreads:

When I'm bored, I color code the spreads I copy down.

And interpretations:

I have had to do that compatibility spread way too many times for girls wanting to know if their boyfriend is "the one".

Fun stickers from Trader Joe's:

Trader Joe's just gets me, it is a spiritual experience shopping there.

And finally a list of all the books I've read this year:

If you haven't read Ronan Farrow's book then please do so, it's marvelous!

I will not show any spells I've done, or my daily diary pages because those are personal.

When this notebook is done, it will go in the cabinet with the others, saved for a rainy day to look back on when needed, and certainly for my children to read when they're ready.

This current notebook isn't a Moleskine, for many years they were my notebook of choice, but I've also had my eye on the Midori Traveler's Notebook system for a long time and I finally treated myself to one when I ordered some ink for my poor empty pens.  I have actually always had a separate date book to keep track of my appointments, because I find it impossible to do so accurately on my iPhone.  With the Midori, I will be able to put whatever notebooks I want into one cover, moving them out when completed and keeping in the datebook that isn't.  After the initial cost of the cover, the refills are inexpensive and will actually save me money over time that Moleskine leeched away.  It'll take a few weeks to get here, but then I get to set that up for hopefully a very long time of continuing the Working Book of Shadows.

Blessed Be!


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