Currently Reading

Cloud Cuckoo Land, yet another derisive title from Anthony Doerr.  Why do I do these things to myself?  I don't know.  I like his writing style, I like his characters, but this dude sure knows how to drag a story on and on and on.

Will this be the same?  I don't know.  I was curious so I picked this up for 2 bucks at the thrift shop if that's any indication for how annoying this book is.  I am certainly enjoying it so far, nearly 300 pages in.  But, we shall see.

I still have to finish Holistic Tarot.  I'm almost to the gigantic appendix at the end.  I don't know if I'll read through that part.  It seems to be more for reference.  I have my feelings about that book as well.  Mainly her constant contradicting herself when it comes to "how tarot works".  One minute tarot is a psychological tool, and the next there are very specific steps to take in order to lay out a proper reading that are so steeped in superstition it hurts.  Jeez, and eye roll.  Whatever lady.

I'm still trying to get through my physical books, so I can clear off my shelves.  This is the important thing after all.  Make room for more witchy items?  Crystals?  Yet more books?  Yes please!

And now of course, it’s my reading time.



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