New Moon in Gemini 2022


This isn’t my altar.  It’s my nightstand.  It’s very hot and humid out there and I have yet to clean the living room AC so I haven’t turned it on.  We are sequestered in the bedroom, nice and cool, the lovely scent of mango and tangerine candle wafting around.  Also, this new body butter is strong too.  I’ll see how it does on my psoriasis, that of course is the ultimate and frankly the only test for me.  It smells delightful though.

Yesterday was the ceremony on Saged app, so I did actually tune in for that and it was lovely as always.  The Spiritual Gayz hosted and they drummed and talked, and it was nice to have some male energy for once.

This morning I did my new moon tarot spread:

Such lopsidedness, I know.  The High Priestess likes to follow me in any spread asking about my gift to others.  I’ve always been a bit of a priest or councilor, apparently being the opposite of an empath is good for that.

In the afternoon, we went to a church picnic.  On Sunday’s Ana goes to Sunday school with her friend because he won’t go unless he has friends.  I went for free food, no body brought up Jesus and one friend of Dino’s actually asked me about witchcraft and symbols.  I’m telling you I called it with this kid, I knew they were a lesbian like 3 years ago when they were 10 and I KNEW they’d be the type to seek out witchcraft at some point.

Points for me?  Who cares, that kid needs to live their best life and I hope they find the path that works best for them, whatever that may be.  At least they know who they can borrow books from.


After a thankfully uneventful train and bus ride, where we quickly stopped by Trader Joe’s for salad and wraps plus the new candle and lotion, Dino was dropped off with his father and Ana and I returned home to quickly shower, do the nightly meditation and drink gallons of water, because again, it’s hot.

Finally with Ana sound asleep, I journaled by candlelight because I’m a badass witch and that’s my jam.

Well, not entirely by candle light.  I’m old folks, these eyes ain’t seeing like they used to.  Besides, that’s a Himalayan salt lamp.  Vibes!

Now it’s time to wind down, read and drift off to dream land.

Blessed Be!



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