Flower Moon 2022


I managed to get this pretty decent shot of the eclipse last night around 11.  I believe I was suffering from some minor food poisoning.  I shan’t be purchasing Trader Joe’s country potatoes anymore.  I didn’t feel well for 6 hours.  Not cool.


The past few months, sitting down to ritual has been difficult.  Yesterday Saged App did theirs in the middle of the afternoon when Ana had a play date with her friend at the park.  And I was on the train when Circle Sanctuary was live streaming theirs.

Then there is the fact that The Witches Calendar lists the full moon as being tonight.

Honestly, what’s a busy mama witch to do?

Obviously, as usual, I did my tarot spread from the Biddy Tarot Planner:

Death and The Tower and The Hanged Man, all in the same spread.  Ok universe, I’m listening.  These are all cards of transformation, seeing things from a new perspective, thinking things over, rebuilding.  Or if you are superstitions, death, death and uh, more death.


This was the shot I took as we were coming up the block after our train ride:

I really wish the iPhone could capture how absolutely massive She appears rising over Manhattan.  I can’t even see the full moon tonight because it’s so cloudy.  We’ve had on and off thunderstorms all day.

I did some journaling as well, prompts from The Moon Deck blog post for today, they got it right and posted all their stuff this morning.  I won’t be showing my journal, it was a lovely spread, but the subject matter was a tad personal.

You know, I didn’t even make a proper dinner this evening.  Ana had Girl Scouts for over an hour and by the time we got back it was so humid we each had a dairy free ice cream cone and that was that.

Pure and utter laziness.  Do we blame it on Mercury retrograde?  I did drop Ana’s Chromebook on my foot!

Tomorrow I will be sure to get back on track, but still take it easy.  It’s too muggy.

Blessed Be!



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