New Moon in Libra 2022


While Ana was in church today with her friend; Dino and I cleaned off the altar so we could reorganize it and decorate it for spooky season.  If you notice the doily in the picture, I actually did not make it.  It’s from Shadow’s sister’s mother in law.  I think I got those apostrophe’s correct.  Possibly?Anyway, it fits beautifully on a cabinet this size.

I had to pull out a small glass ramekin from the kitchen so I could place all the heart shaped crystals in since they were over flowing from the fluorite dish.  It now holds four tumbled stones from a set.  Dino decided that one of Shadow’s lighters needed to be front and center and when Ana came home she added a sand art bottle she made.

It’s super busy, but this is the working altar of a family, and it’s perfect.

Once the top was done, I cleaned out the inside as well, reorganizing and realigning.  There are still so many items from Shadow that I haven’t used and I really have no intention of using, like his “return to sender” candles.  As far as I know no one has tried to send malicious juju toward me.  Thus, in the cabinet they shall remain.

When all was clean and set anew, I did my daily tarot pull as well as the spread for today’s new moon.  I decided to use the Arcana Iris Sacra today since I haven’t used it in so long and it was vibing with the color of the candle I set up for this afternoon’s ceremony.  I don’t normally go for golden tones, but it’s autumn now, so why not?

The Devil is always fun to see in any reading.  Especially one about relationships and balance.

Once I was finished contemplating The Hanged Man and what he has in store for my “future relationship”, whatever that means, it was ceremony time!  Today I was at the kitchen table, because Dino was at the desk.  As always, water, candle, crystals and journal.  Bonus points for pink foliage.

I was actually using the jar candle to hold my phone up a bit. Looking down all the time isn’t good.  Today’s ceremony included some astrology and sacred movement.  I like to pretend that I know what I’m doing.  My legs don’t work, but my hips do in fact lie.  Our presenter happened to be a belly dance instructor and I happen to be Greek by birth and happen to have taken belly dance in my youth.  I’d commit a very heinous murder if I could move like that again.  Sadly, I just take it easy.  My joints know their limits, my brain however does not.

I then did some journaling, which was actually part of a different Saged New Moon activity.  Then, the rest of the afternoon was ours to relax.  And by that I mean, I did typical old fashioned mothering things, I baked with Ana, I worked on knitting Ana’s sweater, I cooked dinner and after all that I took a warm shower after getting her to sleep.

Now, I can lie in my bed and read.

Today was a great New Moon.



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