New Moon in Scorpio 2022


Today’s new moon ritual at my writing desk included a diya that Ana decorated with glitter paint at last week’s Diwali festival.  It’s the perfect size for a tea light.  We repeated Egyptian hekas during our ceremony.  Pronounced hekaus, they are magical words.  One of these days I’m gonna have to do a deep dive into them.

I didn’t do much today.  I made the usual posts on Saged and then got some knitting done.  I also cooked dinner (which I should have taken a pic of), that we ate at the park so we wouldn’t have to go home since it was such a lovely day.

Basking in the autumnal sunshine is probably not a typical new moon activity, but in my book it’s perfect.  Fog had engulfed the entire town this morning so it was wonderful to sit out in the warmth and light this afternoon.  We couldn’t see Manhattan for hours and now it has been consumed once more by the mist.

At 6:30 we headed to the library for Ana’s scary story time.  The librarian confirmed that our library is in fact haunted, which, duh.  I think the church where Ana has Girl Scout’s is also haunted.  It totally has ghost vibes.

Over all it’s been a pretty eerie new moon day.

I got my tarot spread done this morning using the Everyday Tarot deck.  Not having the Deviant Moon deck anymore really puts a damper on my moon themed layouts.

I think the purple and gold does do the trick though.  I’m totally meh about this reading though.  Sometimes Biddy’s questions are really hit or miss.

I took my shower, anointed myself with bergamot oil, which I do not recommend before bed, and perhaps now I shall read a bit.  I am tired.

Blessed Be!



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