Finished: Vintage Barbie Ensemble


I finished the last item today, which was the little pink pillbox hat.  They’re currently on their way to California to adorn Grandma’s vintage Midge doll.

This all started with Ana insisting that I knit scarves for all of the stuffed animals at grandma’s house.  I did that.  Then I had to construct a brand new Ash, who I forgot to send.  Finally, I decided, fuck it, I don’t know what else to knit for a Christmas present, so why not some new clothes because Ana loves to have grandma play Barbies over FaceTime.

So, out came the smallest needles I have, size 1, I used to have even smaller, but I’ll have to reorder them.  I used crochet cotton, leftover bits of worsted weight for the coat, and sock yarn for the dress and skirt.  I’m thankful I didn’t hurt my fingers.  The white t shirt was the biggest bitch of all to make up.  I took the time to sew on the smallest snaps I had, which believe it or not I purchased at Lidl.

I’m done; for now.  I’m sure grandma will get a kick out of the 1960’s hand knit items and Ana will tell her which outfit to put on Midge next.  I’ll probably get stuck making even more winter items for Ana’s Barbies in a few days.  Will I mind?  Probably not, but I’ll also more than likely scour the internet for those smaller sized steel knitting needles!

The torment I put my fingers through for those I love…



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