Strawberry Moon 2022


I only get these triple reflection thingies (sorry don’t know the technical term for them) when I take a pic through the glass and screen.  Just through the glass looks different, but the AC is on, so I can’t open the window and Ana is asleep so I can’t go outside.

It’s a lovely moon rise over Manhattan regardless.

Today we spent the entire afternoon until 7:45 outside.  Two different parks, and the American Legion garden where Ana got to hold a flag for the Flag Day celebration.  The mayor was there so that was nice.

We wound up getting a sandwich, chips and iced tea from Tiger Mart to share.  Those 3 items cost me over 12 dollars.  Thankfully that was a special treat just for a jam packed day and not something we regularly do.  We ate at the park before we headed back home so I could log into the ritual from Saged by 8pm.

Tonight’s ritual was all about grounding.  Grounding into the earth and pulling that earth energy into us.  It was much needed.  We also did some journaling prompts:

Journaling is always a must in this house!  I absolutely love writing in my Traveler’s Notebook, there is something so magical about it.  I also love my iridescent fountain pen.  It’s very appropriate for writing during the full moon.

I of course also did my tarot spread from the Biddy Tarot Planner:

Then I took my ritual shower (too late for a bath sadly), I used a lovely charcoal and tea tree soap, it’s a bar that’s great for physical and spiritual cleansing.  Gotta wash that bad juju and dirt down the drain!

Now I’m laying here, typing this up on my iPhone, and I’m going to end the night as I always do by diving head first into a book.

Blessed Be!



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