Hello 2023

I’m so old fashioned, I need three separate calendars!

I wanted to write this up on New Year’s Day but I was so achy from these impending rain storms.  Around noon today the pressure must have leveled out because now I feel ok.  

And thus, here we are.  This year I wanted to try some new things so I got The Witches’ Almanac Calendar and the 2023 Moon Wisdom Planner from Goddess Provisions, which came with a crystal pen.  I also got their Lunar Phases wall hanging and it looks pretty cute hanging over my desk!

As soon as I felt better today I did my usual New Year’s upkeep, and clean and cleanse.  First, I put all the Yule decorations away.  Then I cleaned the front door, inside my apartment and outside with my regular all purpose sage cleaner from TJ’s.  After that I sprayed it down with Florida Water, anointed it with an oil blend and hung up my usual decor.

For the inside of the door, I scrubbed off last year’s blue sigil and drew a new one in yellow.  I also anointed a heart below that in oil and hung my witch bells in their usual spot.

The yellow wax crayon is very faint, but that’s ok.  I know it’s there and activated.  My other magickal endeavor was to do a spell for Ana who needs a boost at school.  So many kids are so far behind, and Ana is no exception regardless of how much I read to her.  I decided to ask Athena for help and lit a stick of incense in Her name.  I also carved a yellow candle with Ana’s name and set that to burn near a crystal owl that we have.  It burned so brightly.  My friend Will agreed that it was a good omen.  He communes with a few of the Greek Gods daily, so I have no doubt he knows what’s what.

Of course I had to do another year ahead card spread, this time with The Moon Deck.  I’m also redoing their 21 Day Challenge, so that’s fun.  By now, I do know how to use the deck, but I like daily tasks!  I might even look up the Lion Harts monthly challenge again and add that too!

Each card represents the theme for the month and the center card is the thread that runs through them all.  That card for me is called Wild, so I guess I better buckle up!  I actually laid this one out left to right and then left to right again on the bottom row.  Now that I see it, it kinda looks like an eye.

Today turned out to be a rather productive witchy day, if I do say so myself!  I might go in search of a new incense tomorrow to smoke cleanse the entire apartment with something different.  We’ll see.  I’ve very particular when it comes to what incenses I use.

And now, my reading time!

Blessed Be!



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